Thursday, January 29, 2009


Thursday, January 29, 2009
So I've had some blog issues lately and haven't been able to post much. I wanted to make sure that I got some photos of the new basement up! YES, you heard right! The basement is FINISHED! Thanks to the help of: Jerret, Eric, Mike, JD, Patrick, and Bill!
View from the stairs.
JD's (and our future guests) bedroom!

Bar and Kegerator

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Nursery Weekend

Sunday, January 18, 2009

This weekend was quite busy and exciting with Grandma Rena, Uncle Bill, Grandma Alice and Grandpa Gordon in town helping with some painting at the house. They painted the nursery and the dining room (along with some help from Eric, JD and Jerret).

Since last Friday, I've tried to put some pictures of baby boy Batson on the blog but have had a few issues with technology. If I ever get this figured out, I'll post again. In addition, Jerret has officially been accepted to Saint Louis University's Master of Business Administration program! He begins classes in early February! I started an online class for teaching and have visited a few schools to see if teaching might be for me : )

Praises: good health for us, family and friends. For a wonderful weekend with family and for baby blessing gifts. Kyle's issues are resolved, Cheryl's cancer is gone, and healthy pregnancies at church and work. Prayer for guidance in my career, for Jerret's classes, for finding the right babysitter, for those at church who got the flu, for Katie, Julie, and all the other pregnant women that I have forgotten already! for our small groups, our work friends and for Marcy who has breast cancer and is due with a baby in May.

Momma Steph in the new GREEN nursery
Grandma Alice, Steph and Bill

Grandma Rena and Steph

Grandma Rena, Steph, Grandma Alice in the new nursery!

Steph and Jerret in the new nursery : )

Up close, belly love.
Belly and kisses : )
The beautiful crib from Grandpa Mike and Grandma Ashley : )

Billy was "managing" the painting at this point : ) He was tired!
Eric and Jerret priming the dining room

Brother and Sister at the end of a long weekend : )

Friday, January 9, 2009

ITS A BOY blog!

Friday, January 9, 2009

After spending 1 hour and 15 minutes with goop on my belly and a FULL bladder, Jerret and I found out that we are expecting a BABY BOY BATSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll try to post the ONE good shot we got of our hyper baby boy later today or tomorrow.

Thats all for now!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Looks

Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Blog look--I finally ventured out and tried a new (free) template. I really like it a lot : ) Hope you do too!
Our basement is SOOO close to being finished now! Jerret and JD (our new roommate) have been working non-stop every night on this great basement. At the moment, JD is motivated by helping complete this job because he is sleeping on the couch! Poor guy!
Jerret acting silly while JD cuts the carpet for his room to size (or plays with Spaz).
Just kidding, the guys really do work their butts off--I hardly see Jerret anymore! Well, tomorrow is the big ultrasound day! I will post again tomorrow around lunch time--FOR SURE!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Kick Kick Away

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It took me all holiday break to finally concentrate and feel the baby kicking! At first I thought it was a twitch, but then I realized baby was kicking and moving a lot!

As Friday gets closer and the mystery of baby boy or baby girl will hopefully draw to a close, I find myself SUPER excited, anxious and grateful. I'm so happy to have supportive family and friends who ask about baby all the time and help with baby items. Plus, I feel sorry for those who don't have kids yet and have to listen to me talk ALL the time about baby stuff. From what I know, it doesn't ever change. Its now ALL about the kids : )

So, I take time every day or night to feel baby kick a little. Sometimes (like just a few moments ago) I can feel him/her kick while working, moving, cooking, etc. It is QUITE exciting!

Lots of praises
--Jerret did well on his GMAT and awaits official entrance into the MBA program soon, our friend Cheryl's cancer is gone, we had an amazing holiday break, we continue to hold down our jobs--despite the economy, our family is healthy and we are growing our friendship circle.
Prayer for finding a babysitter, a visible ultra sound (so we can know!), small and study group friends and their requests, friends at work who are suffering and need God's love, for a healthy delivery, for our friend Katie who has triplets!, for Stephanie who is in Germany and just had baby Elena, for JD our new roommate, for pregnant work friends and church friends, and for Jerret and I to grow closer to God.
Spaz is helping mom clean out a cabinet for JD, our roommate.
New photo from New Year's eve of S and J

16 week belly with cat on the ground.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas at the Batson Family's (in DQ)

Friday, January 2, 2009

We had a great time in DQ at Mike and Ashley's new house. This year, nothing TOO tragic happened (like last year, when Mike and Ash's house caught on fire!) except David's girlfriend, Amy and her kids were in a car accident--but no one was hurt. Thank goodness.

We visited with family and friends for dinner on Christmas. Here are a few photos :)

Momma Rena and Steph : )
Mike cooking Christmas dinner!

Rena and Ashley!

Ashley and Jerret--Jaeger bomb

Jerret opening his presents :)